Monday, August 23, 2021

Quote on Teaching | Blog -11


A Teacher have the vital power to change the world. 

"Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.” - Aristotle

"After the Home, the School is the second most important environment where character is shaped. The Prime learning period is 5 to 17 years for children. The Student spends approximately 25,000 hours in school. At Home most of the time goes in sleeping, eating, home work, playing etc. 

A Geek teacher once said, give me a child for seven years. Afterward let God or Devil take the child. They can not change the child. This indicates the power of great teachers and what they can do with the young minds. 

True education is the acquisition of enlightened feelings and enlightened powers to understand daily events and to understand the permanent truth linking man to his environment". - Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

“Because teachers, no matter how kind, no matter how friendly, are sadistic and evil to the core.” - Heather Brewer, Eighth Grade Bites

“The Master said, “A true teacher is one who, keeping the past alive, is also able to understand the present.” (Analects 2.11)― Confucius



Happiness | Blog- 12

Happiness Happiness, as we know a matter or state of mind. Everyone is Happy and No one is Happy in this world.  Happiness is something that...