Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Quotations # 11-15 | Blog -4

Quotes for Morning Motivation, Positive Motivation

Positive Motivation, Patience, Struggle


"Look For Something positive in each day. There always is something. You may just have to look harder".


"Struggles Make you, do not let them break you".


"Jobs fill your pocket, adventure fill your soul".


"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself".


"Everything Comes to you at right moment, but it won't come sooner. Be patient and stay Calm".


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Quotations # 6-10 | Blog -3

Quotes for Morning Motivation and Positive thoughts


"Surround yourself with people with DREAMS, DESIRE & AMBITION. They will help you for your own".


"You are capable at anytime of your life to decide to go for your dreams & eventually to make that dream a reality".


"Life is so Short. Guaranteed it will end at some point. Nothing is worth stressing over".


"Never Give up. Great things take time. Never stop working on you".


"No Matter how good or bad you believe your life is, wake up & be grateful you still have one, still have opportunity".


Quotations # 1-5 | Blog -2

Quotes for Morning Motivation, Positive Thoughts


"You owe it to yourself to become everything you dreamed of being".


"Know your true worth. Stop giving people discounts".


"You can not change the people around you, but you can change the people you choose to be around".


"Health is not just about what you eat. It's about what you are thinking and feeling".


"If you can cultivate the right attitude, your enemies are your best spiritual teachers. Because their presence provides you with the opportunity to enhance and develop tolerance, patience and understanding". - Dalai Lama


Welcome to my new blog-Thought! | Blog 1


Welcome to my another blog. I have created this blog to keep some beautiful quotations, thoughts, motivational lines, motivational paragraphs at one place. 

Todays whatsapp and many more short messaging applications are ruling now a days. There was a time we have used 160by2, free message to mobile phone online. But sometimes we feel difficulty in getting a right quote in right time at right place. 

I have a practice of messaging my friends and family members on daily basis. Everyday message. But I do not have any back up of the beautiful collected quotes. 

So this thought came to my mind, that I can keep all those quotes in my new blog. So that I can refer and my friends can refer if they need. All the quotes are collected from different sources, pages, books etc. 

I hope these quotes you will like. Definitely there are some generic quotes, sayings by great people across world. And because sometimes we need to learn from others. We need those quotes for daily motivation or when we are sad. Those play very important role in every one's life.

If you have any suggestions, comments please drop a message and let me know. I will be happy to read those.

Be safe and Stay Safe!

Stay Motivated to get success in life!

#Goodmorningmessage #positivethoughts #morningvibes #lovemessage #motivationalquote #motivation #wisdommessage #morningwisdom


Happiness | Blog- 12

Happiness Happiness, as we know a matter or state of mind. Everyone is Happy and No one is Happy in this world.  Happiness is something that...